Browsing through groups on Facebook, no one knows the corruption and hatred that caused humiliations and shames to the world’s largest community; The Muslims. I was too. Until yesterday, my friend studying in Russia shared something beyond our logical knowledge. If someone who ought to join the group namely I’m proud to be a Muslim, with the link beware, before the joining starts, you might want to read this.
The non-Muslims, mostly stupid Jews are screwing up against us, the Muslims.
Just look at the picture? aaaa.
They posted hatred against Islamic culture and most of it is their pride of their own falsity in their humanly-created religion. They’re posting stupid jokes that may offend people. Why on earth do they do that? I have no idea other than their hatred and etc.
Some of them posted on the wall telling the world, that Muslims are terrorists which are completely false. Their inappropriate small but deeply annoying and offensive doings will somehow occasionally leads to more wars. And we do not want that to happen.
start your part now; stop liking this page, unlike, and ignore and be patience, because its the best we can do. seriously, i hated to do so, and i feel like fighting however, the we, the Muslims, know whats best for us.
Share with your friends on Facebook, etc. Tell them the truth!
thats all. thanks!